Formation & Resources
Have questions about the Catholic Faith? See the following pages for formation resources for you (and your family).
Read about each of the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the process of receiving them. Religious Ed Children youth Religious Education meets at St. John's twice per month. Programs are offered fro all ages including 3 year olds through 12th grade. Click above to learn more information about these programs. Become Catholic Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith and entering into Full Communion with the church? Click above to learn more about the RCIA program at St. John's. Vocations Vocations... everyone has one. What's your's? Learn about vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, Consecrated Life, Permanent Diaconate, Sacred Married Life and Sacred Single Life. St. John the Baptist Resource Room St. John the Baptist Resource Room is a room located in the church narthex that is open once a month following weekend Masses. It is housed full of books, DVD's, CD's, brochures, and other helpful resources on the Catholic Faith. Stewardship Help St. John's stay active through ministries by giving of your time, talent and treasure back to God. |