Race for Vocations
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” —II Timothy 4:7
This years Race for Vocations is on Saturday May 8, 2021
Hosted by the Indiana State Council of the Knights of Columbus, the Race for Vocations welcomes people of all ages to run/walk in the Race for Vocations mini-marathon or 5k race to both promote and pray for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, sacred married life, and sacred single life. Even though the 500 Festival Races have gone virtual, the Race for Vocations will still continue. Read below about each of the major events for the Race for Vocations Weekend, May 7-8, 2021! MASS FOR VOCATIONS Friday, May 7 - 6:30pm @ SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral - Indianapolis with Archbishop Thompson presiding Join in the night before the race (Friday, May 7) for the annual Mass for Vocations with Archbishop Thompson. This year the Mass will be at 6:30pm at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis (1347 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46202). All are welcome! You do not have to be running or walking in the race to attend, all are welcome. Race for Vocation t-shirts will also be available for runners/walkers after the Mass. PASTA DINNER Friday, May 7 - 7:30pm @ Knights of Columbus (1305 N Delaware St, Indianapolis) Join in after the Race for Vocations Mass on Friday, May 7 for a Pasta Dinner at the Knights of Columbus downtown (located at 1305 N Delaware Street in Indianapolis) from 7:30-9pm. The cost of the dinner is $10 per person. Please bring payment with you to the dinner. Please register for the dinner so we can best plan for food: https://raceforvocations.org/pasta-dinner/ RACE FOR VOCATIONS (MINI OR 5K) Saturday, May 8 | Race for Vocations - Beginning (8am) and ending at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Greenfield, IN Join in on Saturday, May 8 for the Race for Vocations. We’ll both start and end at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Greenfield, IN. There will be options for both a 5k (3.1 miles) run/walk and a Mini (13.1 miles) run/walk. Following the races, there will be a post race gathering at St. Michael’s with snacks, drinks and opportunity for fellowship with fellow Race for Vocation participants and supporters! Register online: https://raceforvocations.org/registration/ |
Race for Vocations Photos