New to St. John's?
Whether you are new to the city and have never been to St. John’s or you’ve been coming for a while and are looking for ways to get further involved we have something for you!
Become a Parishioner Become a Parishioner at St. John’s and let us know what areas of ministry you are interested in and we will have someone contact you about upcoming opportunities. New Parishioner Welcome Are you a recently new parishioner? That’s great! We have quarterly welcome events for new parishioners. Stay tuned for the next event where you can meet others from the St. John community. Become Catholic Are you searching and have found the fullness of Truth in the teachings of the Catholic Church? Are you Catholic and never completed your initiation Sacraments? Are you curious and just want to learn more? Learn more about our RCIA program to enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Join Email List Join our email list to stay up to date on the latest happening at St. John's. Stewardship/Tithing Help us continue to grow our ministries at St. John’s by giving of your time, talent and treasure. Visit Us Never been to St. John’s? That’s ok, let us give you some directions to the church, info on where to park, etc. |