All Saints Day Party (YA Ministry Relaunch)
All Saints Day Party!
Sunday, November 1 (All Saints Day) 7pm Mass in St. John's 8pm Social to Follow (indoor/outdoors - dress warmly!) It’s finally happening! Mass on the Grassisi is now an All Saints Day Party! Join us this Sunday, November 1 (All Saints Day) for the relaunching of Young Adult Ministry at St. John’s. Due to the chilly temps, Mass will be inside St. John’s at 7pm. Following Mass there will be a Young Adult Social that is partially indoors (in the Pan Am Parish Hall) and outdoors (next to the Parish Hall on Pan Am Plaza) – dress warmly! COVID friendly pulled pork bbq, sides and drinks will be provided. We will also have bonfires and smore’s outside along with some yard games. We will be taking COVID safety precautions and practicing social distancing both during Mass and at the social. All young adults are welcome – invite friends to join on Sunday!
*Please note this is an event that has been rescheduled (Oct 4 and Oct 18). We look forward to seeing you this Sunday, November 1 for this long awaited Mass and social! Questions? Reach out to the Young Adult Leadership Team: [email protected] All young adults are welcome as we relaunch this ministry! |