The charism of generosity enables one to cheerfully offer their energies, abilities and material resources for the needs of individuals and the greater community. A person with the gift of generosity recognizes God’s blessings and will offer resources sacrificially with exceptional willingness and generosity. The charism operates out of a spirit of selflessness, with no need for recognition or reward for giving. Evidence of this charism is the seemingly carefree confidence one has that God will provide all basic needs. Allowing the giver to focus on the needs of others.
For those with the charism of generosity, sharing resources is not a duty or responsibility but is life giving and energizing. It is a special grace to give of self or personal resources in a very generous or sacrificial way to give all glory to God. One offers their time, talent and treasure out of love of God and other.
Possessing this gift does not mean one lives a life of volunteer poverty. We often think of the great generosity of Saints that lived in poverty to give abundantly to others in need. However, it is more likely, God entrusts the “cheerful giver” with greater resources because of their trust and faith in his provision that they may give to those in need with great freedom.
For those with the charism of generosity, sharing resources is not a duty or responsibility but is life giving and energizing. It is a special grace to give of self or personal resources in a very generous or sacrificial way to give all glory to God. One offers their time, talent and treasure out of love of God and other.
Possessing this gift does not mean one lives a life of volunteer poverty. We often think of the great generosity of Saints that lived in poverty to give abundantly to others in need. However, it is more likely, God entrusts the “cheerful giver” with greater resources because of their trust and faith in his provision that they may give to those in need with great freedom.